
湖南Iron nickel alloy powder for diamond catalyst

  • name: 湖南Iron nickel alloy powder for diamond catalyst
  • Classification: Iron nickel alloy powder for diamond catalyst
  • Corporate name: Dada Alloy Co., Ltd
  • Time: 19/07/28
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Product details

Iron nickel alloy powder for diamond catalyst is a new type of artificial diamond catalyst material, which has a wide range of applications in the diamond manufacturing industry. At present, atomization method is mainly used in industry to prepare catalyst alloy powder.

The iron nickel alloy powder used for diamond catalysts has high hardness and thermal conductivity, a wide transmittance band, excellent physical and chemical properties such as radiation resistance and strong acid alkali corrosion resistance. It has great potential for application in high-tech fields such as electronic devices, national defense, communication, and aerospace.

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